
Showing posts from March, 2020

We will get through this crisis!

First, I want to apologize if my last post and title seemed insensitive or a bit flippant. Covid 19 is a very real Pandemic and many people will get sick and die. This a very serious situation. The Economy is being affected in ways we really don’t understand yet. These are scary times and everyone should be concerned about both their physical as well as financial will being. I have no doubt that as a nation we will pull through this but I am not going to sugar coat it. This early in the pandemic and economic crises it caused, if anyone that tells you how soon this will be over, or even how it will end they are simply lying. There is too much unknown at the moment . I urge everyone to follow the advice of the health care experts and keep themselves as safe as possible. As for your financial will being I will provide some guidance best as I can from time to time starting with this article. If you have a financial adviser talk to them, if you don’t but have a long term plan stick wit

The sky is falling and everyone is going to die because of the Coronavirus! Should I sell all my stock?

You will likely start hear all types of ads and scare stories about the dangers of the “Market Roller Coaster” or the “Wall street Casino”. The ads are put out by groups trying to sell you something and convince you it is better and safer than the stock maker. It not better nor safer over the long run. Let’s break down both those analogies and see where they are flawed . Like a Roller Coaster the Stock Market has a lot of ups and downs. Both of them it can be quite dangerous to get off before the ride is over . You would not jump off a Roller Coaster in the middle of a ride and you should not jump out of the stock market in the middle of your plan. Besides the ups and downs and danger of leaving the ride early the analogy ends. Roller coaster are for thrills seekers, investing in the stock market is actually the secure thing to do over the long run. Roller coasters almost always end at the same point they start. The stock market when invested for the long run and pursuant to a pl